Benefits of Asphalt Sealcoating

Sealcoating MNWell, it’s still winter, not even half over but that doesn’t mean we can’t dream of Florida weather here in Minnesota because someday, months away, we will be soaking up the sun and cranking up the AC. Just not today, or any day of this year. Our Asphalt Sealcoating specialist offer striping and sealcoating in underground parking lots but other than that we aren’t out sealing driveways or parking lots. Just because the snow is covering the asphalt doesn’t mean it’s not there, shovel deep enough and you’ll see it.

If you had your asphalt sealcoated last spring, summer or fall you’ve done the best thing you can to help the longevity of your asphalt. Our professional sealer protects from scorching hot temperatures to below freezing and everywhere in-between. Asphalt driveways and parking lots have to stand up to extreme temperatures and heavy weight all season long and sealcoating is an extra layer of protection against it all.

How Does Sealcoating Protect Asphalt in the Winter?

  • Provides a barrier between harsh chemicals and the asphalt, such as salt, steel, gas, oil, and there are plenty more.
  • Seals off the porous asphalt so that water can’t seep into the surface while freezing and thawing take place, which can cause extensive damages due to the expansion and contraction.
  • Makes snow removal easier with a smooth, sealed surface that offers a glide.

Professional Sealcoating Services MN

Not only does Seal King’s Sealcoating services help protect your driveway or parking lot in the winter but also in the spring, summer and fall. To protect your asphalt and extend its life, invest in our services. The little money you pay for an asphalt sealcoating every 2 to 3 years will make a major difference in time.

If you noticed the plows were a little rough on your parking lot or shoveling is more work than usual, your asphalt is probably due for a sealcoating, crack and patch repair. Give us a call in the spring but until then…

Stay Warm,

From the Professionals at Seal King