Sealcoating Services Shakopee MN

What You Should Know About Sealcoating In Shakopee MN

Asphalt SealcoatingTemperatures in Shakopee MN can range on average from 3 to 86 degrees, according to weather tracking websites. That means that frigid to blazing hot and both extremes (and everything in between) can play havoc on an asphalt driveway or a parking lot. Pavement maintenance contractors like the folks at Seal King, have years of residential sealcoating and commercial sealcoating experience. If you’ve noticed cracks or fissures in the asphalt, think about applying sealcoating as part of your pavement management plan.

Facts About Sealcoating:

  • Sealcoating asphalt can significantly slow pavement deterioration.
  • A sealcoat usually has a coal tar pitch base or is an asphalt cement mix with additives and fillers.
  • When applied by professional experienced asphalt experts, sealcoat is spread on the pavement in thin but thorough coats, to evenly protect roadways.
  • All pavement maintenance repairs like residential sealcoating and commercial sealcoating must be reapplied after a few years.

Why Should You Sealcoat?

  • Sealcoat beautifies roadways and driveways. The dark, black shade of this material makes any surface look like new.
  • It makes a boring parking lot look smooth and clean.
  • Sealcoat offers water protection. Over time, asphalt cracks and leaves the surface unprotected from precipitation and water pooling. Any size crack allows water to permeate through the layers of the asphalt, making them weak.
  • Offers protection from oil and gas leaks. Dripping gas, oil, and antifreeze can break down asphalt, leaving the parking lot and road looking uneven and stained.
  • Protection from the sun’s rays. Ultraviolet rays breaks down carbon in the asphalt and can damage the finish. Sealcoat will prevent further damage from the sun.
  • Sealcoat makes it easy to clean and maintain. Sealcoat fills in voids in the pavement surfaces. This will give you a smooth textured surface all year. You’ll also find it easier to shovel snow from a smooth surface.

In Shakopee MN, experienced asphalt experts like Seal King happily provides sealcoating services to our customers, both residential and commercial. We would love to help you beautify and protect your property with sealcoat. Visit our website and fill in the contact form for a free sealcoating quote for the Shakopee Area. Our address is 1340 McAndrews Blvd in Burnsville, MN 55337.  You can also give us a call at (952) 707-0900 to find out more information on our ever-expanding list of services.